Our Frequently asked page probably has the answer to your question(s).
Please read this page before you contactus.
Is your question not answered here? Please contact us.
Can you help us with our hotel ?
Yes, we can book a room for you in one of our hotels or B & B`s
How do i come to your place ?
if you stay in Amsterdam.
It is possible to meet in Almere.
Almere is a city close to Amsterdam.
I can pick you up at the train station, and from here we travel by car to our academy.
After the training i will bring you back to the train station in Almere.
Please note:
Take a day off before the training.
If you come tired from traveling, or with a jetlag
that makes it difficult to focus.
Will i receive a Certificate ?
The stroop and the stroopwafels that we make during the training day, can i take them with me?
Yes please.